Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June 5, 2008

Caroline and Ellie are sleeping; nap time for Ellie and recuperation time for Caroline. Caroline coughed through the night and woke up Wednesday morning with a horribly sore throat. It was sore enough that we mixed up Ellie’s Amoxicillin and Caroline took two doses. With Ellie bedded down for the night, Caroline did the same. At nine p.m. Caroline woke up feeling terrible. She felt the way she does when she gets strep throat. We’d previously talked about options should one of us become gravely ill. We decided it was going to be necessary for Caroline to get some adult antibiotics in her system.

I went down to Elsie’s room to ask how to begin that process. As luck would have it, antibiotic drugs are sold over the counter in China. So Elsie walked me to the neighborhood pharmacy where I purchased a course of antibiotics and an herbal supplement to be taken with the antibiotics. Thus far Caroline has had three doses and is beginning to feel better.

It’s been a quiet morning walking around a famous pavilion and gardens not far from the hotel. Tomorrow is our final paperwork day in Nanchang, then it’s off to Guangzho.

God's peace and love.

p.s. about the pictures; one is a bronze statue of what's called the "Happy Buddha." One is called "Ellie With Her Happy Buddha." It's self-explanatory!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My second go on trying to post. Hope this makes it through. Imagine the smiles on our faces, too, as we read your blog! Many Chinese restaurant menus offer a dish called "Happy Family." For the rest of my life, whenever I see or hear that, I will think of you three. God's blessings to all!